1.1. JON has drawn up and implemented the following HSEMS, which provides a framework to identify and eliminate, or mitigate work hazards and risks. This policy builds on the principle that all incidents are preventable. JON International understand that HSE considerations are to be integral to external practice and internal business decision.


2.1. This HSEMS is based on the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, to ensure that health, safety, and environmental issues are systematically identified, controlled, and monitored.  JON has selected these standards as models for the Company’s HSEMS framework as:

  • The standards ensure that performance of the HSEMS improves over time.

  • The ISO 14001 Standard for Environmental Management Systems is an accepted international Standard for Environment Management Systems.

  • The OHSAS 18002:2000 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is an accepted international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.


3.1. JON is committed to conducting its business in a manner that protects the health and safety of its employees, contractors and the public. The company is also committed to being environmentally responsible. The routine application of the HSEMS provides the basis for continued identification, prioritization and control of risks. The HSEMS has four distinct phases; Plan, Do, Review, Adjust. Within these stages are fifteen interrelated elements.

3.2. PLAN. The elements in this phase identify the hazards, risks and regulatory requirements which must be addressed. These elements also identify the risk mitigation requirements that will be implemented in the subsequent phase allowing for strategic plans, goals and objectives to be established.

3.3. DO. In this phase the required implementation tools are identified to manage the risks and requirements identified in the initial stage.

3.4. REVIEW. This phase provides for detailed monitoring and auditing to ensure risks and requirements are being identified, assessed and managed. This allows for continuous improvement helping the policy remain in line with a shifting piratical and legal landscape.

3.5. ADJUST. This phase ensures regular reviews of the HSEMS and its implementation in order to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.


5.    PLAN

5.1. Policy and Leadership. Leaders are expected to show a good understanding of this HSEMS and actively drive its implementation. Management will communicate the policy to employees, contractors and others on sites and confirm the information is accessible and understood. Fostering a safety culture that supports the goal of zero HSE   incidents is critical to the success of JON. By championing HSE activities and work processes and engaging the workforce on HSE issues and concerns, leaders can promote a work environment where employees identify, communicate and address unsafe acts, conditions and events.

5.2. Risk Assessment. A business unit’s HSEMS will contain a description of Risk Assessment activities performed, including both formal and informal Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of those hazards. Processes or procedures shall include provisions for communicating hazards to potentially affected personnel. In addition, assessed risks must be communicated to and addressed by specified levels of supervision and management. Formal Risk Assessments must be documented, implemented and maintained. The risk assessment element will follow the three basic steps associated with risk assessment: Hazard Identification, Risk Evaluation & Analysis, and Risk Treatment.

6.    DO

6.1. Standards of Operation and Legal Requirements. To assure compliance with legal requirements and applicable Standards of Operation, JON International will monitor changing relevant laws and regulations. Relevant parties will be made aware of this responsibility which will be documented. JON International will comply with all applicable legal requirements of the country or region of operation.

6.2. Strategic Planning and Objectives. Business units must have a documented strategic planning and objectives process as part of the HSEMS. This process will include a midterm plan alongside annual objectives which will be discussed, developed and measured. These objectives will address continuous improvement opportunities and any weaknesses associated with environmental stewardship, personnel safety, occupational health, process safety and sustainable development. Progress will be reviewed at least annually by business unit management with input from employees and stakeholders. Employees will set annual HSE goals, which specify actions that will be taken to promote a strong HSE culture and achieve HSE performance targets.

6.3. Structure and Responsibility. An organizational structure of HSE roles, responsibilities and accountabilities will be documented and communicated. Business unit   management will provide the resources and structure essential for implementation, operation and maintenance of the HSEMS. The system will be adaptable to manage changes in personnel and overall structure.

6.4. Programs and Procedures. Programs and procedures will be established and maintained to manage significant risks, comply with legal requirements and operation standards. These will be accessible to employees, contractors, and others as appropriate. Business units will develop a written program which will include compulsory procedures, alongside best practice as necessary. For each item, the business unit will provide a procedure to identify and mitigate risk. Programs and procedures must be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.

1.5. Operation Integrity. To minimize risks associated with operations and equipment, programs and procedures are to be developed to ensure equipment is properly maintained, stored and deployed. In addition, business units will implement programs to ensure safe operating procedures, assess and manage risks.

1.6. Emergency Readiness. Each site will have a written Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in place. The plan will include a process for identifying potential emergency situations and planning for mitigation and control. Employees will be trained according to   their responsibilities and assignments under  the  plan,  and  drills  will  be conducted periodically. These ERPs will be reviewed and amended where appropriate.    JON will also utilize Regional  Response  Teams  to support businesses during major emergencies.

1.7. Training and Competency. Business unit will establish and implement a program which ensures that all employees have the necessary skills, training and competency to perform assigned duties in a safe, environmentally and socially responsible manner. This training, which will be presented in a language the trainee understands, includes: HSE policy and compliance; operations, mechanical and technical skills; emergency preparedness and response; and mandated certifications. The program will also include plans for providing orientation and HSE training to contractors and verifying their participation.

1.8. Incidence Reporting and Corrective Action. To ensure the correct handling of near misses and incidents, business units will adhere to a process which specifies how such events will be reported, investigated, addressed. The process will include provisions for site workers to report hazards. Corrective actions must address immediate and systemic causes. Investigations revealing important lessons will be shared with other business units.

1.9. Communication. Business units will implement processes and procedures to facilitate effective internal communication of HSE related issues, including policy, risk assessment and expectations for compliance. Communication will focus on education and employee involvement. Care must be taken to facilitate two-way communication between management and the workforce and to identify and remove any potential barriers. Communication should be documented where deemed appropriate.

1.10Document Control. Business unit will put processes in place to ensure that documents and records are accessible and to specify how they are identified, managed and maintained. Processes will outline specific employee roles and responsibilities. Documents will be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary, with obsolete documents managed in accordance with the company Records Management System.

7.    REVIEW

7.1. Measuring and Monitoring. To determine if HSEMS objectives are being met, business units will have a process in place to measure and monitor their operations and activities. The process will assess the implementation and effectiveness of operational controls and track and evaluate health, occupational safety process safety and environmental performance. It will also assure compliance with legal requirements and monitor compliance with training. Performance measures will be generated and made available periodically. Such measures will provide management with the tools to understand trends and identify opportunities for improvement.

7.2. Audit. Business units will establish and maintain auditing processes that assess the adequacy and effectiveness and compliance of HSEMS with legal requirements and operating standards. Joint ventures, partnerships and contractors will be included in the auditing process. Audit programs will be documented and include a process for communicating results to management and provisions for periodic review and corrective actions.


8.1 Review and Amend. Business units will implement a documented process to review the content and functionality of the HSEMS. The process will assess system strengths and weaknesses and include, as appropriate: the need for policy or management system changes; objectives, goals and work plans in light of changing circumstances and the commitment to continuous improvement; resource allocation for system implementation and maintenance; and significant issues from risk assessments and changing regulatory requirements. Conducted annually by a team that includes the business unit leader, the review will identify actions for improvement and further the organization’s HSE objectives.

9.  HSE Management System (HSEMS)


10.1.      JON is committed to the safety of everyone who works for us and lives in the communities where we operate. We will conduct our business with care for the environment. We strive for world class operating excellence by integrating our HSE principles throughout our businesses with a commitment to continuous improvement.

10.2.      Action Plan

  • Comply with applicable rules and regulation

  • Attain incident free operations through the systematic risk identification and mitigation.

  • Use resources efficiently and minimize environmental impact.

  • Ensure a safe, healthy and secure work place.

  • Provide our employees and contractors with the knowledge and capability to achieve HSE excellence, including empowering them to stop work they believe is unsafe.

  • Communicate our principles and results to employees, contractors, regulators.