BIM is an integrated method of digitizing the design and construction process throughout the entire life cycle of the building from idea to demolition
BIM is both a model and working process which means closer cooperation between parties and branches to every player participating in the project. Coordination is one of the main goals of BIM. Its allows different team members to work with the same 3D Model without interrupting each other, creating a single 3D BIM Model that includes all the changes and modifications made by different contributors.
3D BIM is the fundamental and most common use of BIM, and represents the basic structure of the building.Think of it as a much more evolved version of the 2D drawing; while drawings consist of an x and y axis, 3D BIM adds another dimension: the Z-axis.
The level of development or LOD, defines the level of detail represented within the model. We use LOD 350 as our typical final project level of development.
4D BIM scheduling is an advanced methodology that combines 3D BIM models with the element of time. It adds a forth dimension.
5D BIM is generally considered to be adding cost information to the Model.
A Total BIM project allows site workers to dynamically interact with BIM viewer software to create their own views and measurements. They are no longer limited by static digital or or paper based drawings enabling a better understanding of the space they are working in.